Prayers & Devotions
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Prayer & The Liturgy
Prayer is the means by which we encounter God. It is the way by which we live our relationship with Him, we establish communication, and we strengthen our bonds of unity. There are many forms and expressions of prayer: (meditation, contemplation, devotions, worship, scriptural prayer, etc.). We can pray all these prayers privately, in community, individually, or publicly. The Liturgy is an act of worship and it is the public and communal prayer of the Church. Although there are many different liturgies, at the heart of this public worship is the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Therefore, the Eucharistic Liturgy is the means by which we (the Church-the Body of Christ) publicly encounter God, live our relationship with Him, establish communication, and strengthen the bonds of unity with Him, through Christ. In other words, the Liturgy is how the Church officially prays together.
Liturgical Prayer at Holy Faith Church
Sunday, Special Feast Days, & Daily Masses
- First Friday Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction:
Every 1st Friday of the Month from 10:00am to Noon & 7:00pm to 8:30pm. - Mass in Syro-Malabar Rite:
Every 2nd Sunday of the month at 4:00pm in the Chapel - Mass of Santo Niño (annually in January) Grand celebration of Santo Niño, a special Feast of the Filipino community: typically on the 3rd Sunday in January at 2:00pm, preceded by a 9-day Novena.
- Mass for the Unborn (annually in May)
- Necrotic Mass (annually) Sponsored by Knights of Columbus
- Healing Service: The last Tuesday of every Month after the 9:30 am Mass in the Chapel
- Mass of San Lorenzo (annually in September) Grand celebration of San Lorenzo sponsored by the Filipino community followed by reception in the Parish Life Center.
- Mass for Health Care Professionals (annually in October)
Feast of St. Luke – (sponsored by St. Gianna Catholic Medical Group) in October - Thanksgiving Day Mass: Thanksgiving Day every year at 10:00am
Other Sacraments & Rites: (Reconciliation, Sacrament of the Sick, Funerals)
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Prayers & Devotions
In addition to the Liturgy, the Christian life is nourished by various forms of popular piety and prayers, rooted in the different cultures and experiences. The Church believes that these forms of popular prayer express an evangelical instinct and a human wisdom that enrich the Christian life (CCC 1679). These prayers and devotions can also be an expression of our faith when they help us embrace, appreciate, and affirm the mystery of Christ. These expressions of piety support the liturgical life of the Church, but do not replace it. They should harmonize with the liturgical seasons and be in accord with the sacred liturgy. They are derived from the liturgy and lead people to it (CCC 1675).
Personal Prayer at Holy Faith Church
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Church is opened from 8am to 9pm for personal and private prayer
Daily Mass Chapel:
Open for personal prayer Monday-Friday (10:30am to 9:00pm)
Sat. (9:30am–4:30pm & 6:30pm–9:00pm), Sunday. (between Masses: 12:30pm–6pm & 7pm-9pm)
Grotto of our Lady: Garden of the Unborn:
available anytime on the campus in front of the Church
Garden of the Blessed Mother
available anytime in front of the Ministry Building
Devotional Prayer at Holy Faith Church
Daily Rosary
Monday-Friday at 9:00am & 10:00am & Saturday at 9:30am in the Chapel
Prayer Stations
available at anytime when there is not a service in progress – booklet in vestibule of Church (Prayers are posted in various places)
Stations of the Cross:
Fridays during Lent at Noon & 6:00pm & on Good Friday at noon (outdoors)
Charismatic Prayer:
every Thursday at 7:30pm in the Chapel
Healing prayer
(by requests – contact us)
(Prayer teams are available after Healing Mass on the last Tuesday of every month)
Intercessory Prayer:
by written request (forms available in the Chapel) or contact us.
Special Prayer Events at Holy Faith Church
“Life Chain” (on Respect Life Sunday annually)
“Life is sacred from conception to natural death”
Join us on “Respect Life Sunday” – The first Sunday in October from
2:00pm to 3:00pm on the corner of NW 43rd Street and Newberry Road. We stand together forming a life chain and holding signs in defense of Life. We meet at the Millennium parking lot at 1:45pm. Contact us for more information.
Living Rosary (annually)
We pray a “Living Rosary” in honor of the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, October 7th annually. This is communal experience of prayer as each bead is represented by an individual and many Hail Mary’s and Our Father’s are prayed in the native language of the person praying. Come & Pray for the intercession of the Mother of God and our Mother. Sign up to pray with us as a “Living Prayer Bead!”
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Divine Mercy Novena & Holy Hour (annually on Divine Mercy Sunday)
Celebrate the Feast of the Divine Mercy with the Holy Faith Community, on the Sunday after Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) with a Holy Hour (2:15pm to 3:15pm) in the Church.
“The message of Mercy is that God loves us – all of us no matter how great our sins.
Call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through you to others.”Share His Joy! Come & Pray with us.
May Crowning of our Blessed Mother (annually)
On the First Sunday in May after 11:15am Mass, the children of our parish with the community of Holy Faith join in a procession to the Grotto of Our Lady in front of the Church to honor Mary, Our Blessed Mother with a decade of the Holy Rosary and her Coronation.
Join us on this joyous occasion!
Hail Holy Queen!
Candlelight Rosary celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe around Dec 12 (annually)
Around December 12 annually, we come together in community to pray a special Rosary to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The participants process around the perimeter of the Church in a Candlelight Rosary walk and prayer service together. We carry a prayer petition box for everyone to include their requests for the intercessions of Our Lady. It is an extremely beautiful and reverent event and we invite all to join us.