Monthly, the Catholic Charities Van will be parked in front of the Church for drive up/drop-off service, with teen and adult volunteers available to help with your donations, or you can drop them off inside the big box in the vestibule of the church. Thank you Holy Faith for your compassion for the hungry. To sign up for this ministry, scroll down the page. We need more volunteers to cover when members of the team are away. This is a wonderful and easy ministry for families as a group. Volunteer today!
NEXT FOOD DRIVE: MAY (20-21) 2023
SATURDAY, May 20 from 4:45pm to 6:00pm and
SUNDAY, May 21 from 9:15am to 10:30am or 11:00am to 12:30pm
October 2022 thru March 2023: Thank you Holy Faith for your continued support of this Ministry to the Hungry through the Catholic Charities Food Drive we host on every third weekend of the Month. Holy Faith has exceeded food donations month after month only proving the vision we have in our parish of “Building Together a Community of Compassion in Christ”. We sincerely thank everyone. Besides the extra push to fill the pantry shelves for the end of the month, every month, our food bin inside the church is also filled up week after week. May your generosity to this outreach mission be blessed in abundance for “God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:19). We also especially thank the Food Drive Disciples who faithfully help fill the van on Food Drive weekends. They are the perfect example of the hands and feet of the people of God in service to the Church and the community. Blessings to them always.
September 2022: Thank you once again Holy Faith parishioners and friends for your support of this extra push for food donations to help fill the Catholic Charities’ pantry shelves for the end of every month. and to our Food Drive Disciples! Our Food Drive Disciples are always ready and willing to help fill up the van. Recently a couple approached before the 6pm Mass with 2 bags of food to donate and they said “We thought it was the 3rd Sunday Food Drive.?” They were right in knowing the date for the drive, and we apologized to them explaining that we don’t continue the drive after the morning Masses and reminded them about the bin inside the church where donations can be placed any day.
We would love to extend the drive if we get a few more volunteers to cover a new time slot. We would consider having the van open from 5:30pm to 6:15pm Sunday evening on Food Drive Sundays if the 6pm Mass community would like us to. If interested in being a 6pm Food Drive disciple during this shift, please scroll down the page to volunteer.
These two disciples were recruited to help in September because parishioners had dropped off bags and cases of food in front of the van before we opened it. They did the Christian thing and assisted by loading the donations before the other disciples showed up for the 9:15am Sunday, September 18 shift. Kudos to them!
Our food drive in August set a new record for Holy Faith. Donations reached 1350 lbs of food helping to fill up the pantry shelves at Catholic Charities. Thank you for living the vision of Holy Faith: “Building together a community of Compassion in Christ Jesus” Thank you also to our dedicated Food Drive Disciples for giving of your time to such a needed service.
April-May 2022: Thank you to our newest disciples who recently signed up to serve. We always need more disciples to help, especially during the months when people take vacations or travel for the holidays. We have a few new pics and will post them soon.
February 2022: We did it again! By the end of the drive on Sunday we had collected over 1300lbs of food. Some of our regular teen volunteers were at the Youth Diocesan Retreat, so the Moms and Dads took their place and did a fantastic job. Later our disciple, Bella, organized the food inside the van. Thank you Holy Faith and thank you to our Disciples of Christ at Holy Faith!
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January 2022: Our January Food Drive was a wonderful success with over 1100lbs of food collected. Thank you everyone, including our wonderful family volunteers! It’s so good to see the family giving of their time and talent together. We need more families to join this ministry of compassion and share in this service.
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November 20-21 2021:
We had a wonderfully blessed food drive in November with over 1300 lbs of donated food, our biggest drive to date! Amazing! We thank you and Catholic Charities thanks you. Thanks also to our wonderful volunteers who helped to fill up the van with all the donations. This picture was posted on Facebook by Catholic Charities and shared on the Holy Faith Facebook with all our friends and families and the public too!
October 16-17 2021: We welcomed a new volunteer, Sydney, and Bella, our experience teen volunteer, was there to share the time with her in service to the hungry. We managed to get a few pics with Fr. Emmanuel and Fr. Mike.
September 18-19 2021: Another great Food Drive Sunday collection.
Thank you Holy Faith and thank you Volunteers. Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Rosemary enjoyed serving the parish and spending quality time together in such a nice spot on such a beautiful morning. Thank you to them and all our volunteers this weekend. We can’t do this without you. God Bless you everyday!
August 21-22 2021: Wow, Holy Faith and Catholic Charities thank you once again for your support in helping to feed the poor and hungry in our community. especially through our extra monthly food drive when we have the Catholic Charities van on site. This month we have exceeded expectations and donated over 2000 lbs of food. This helps so much for the end of the month need when supplies dwindle. God bless the givers and thank you volunteers!
July 17-18 2021: Our Newest Volunteers: Luke, Mary, Cormac, and Richard and Rosemary served with our veteran volunteers in July and Jeanette and Russell, Suzan and sons, Jonathan and Jordan, signed up to serve in August. This ministry will continue year-round and we will always need volunteers, so join the group and grow this ministry with us. God Bless you all!
June 19-20 2021: Thank you to our new volunteers: Lisa, Sonia and family, Liz and family, and Laurice, and to our experienced volunteers, David and family. They faithfully faced the challenges of the weather, giving of their time and compassion for the hungry, and were so excited to serve. (anyone can still volunteer – scroll down the page to sign-up)

May 16 2021: Dear Parishioners,
We are looking for volunteers to help us cover the times of this drive on the third Sundays of the month. It’s time to step-up and help us continue this appeal that helps so many in the community. We need people that can carry the donations from cars to the Catholic Charities van parked right in front of the church on the dates of the appeal. We had a lovely young family, husband, wife and their 2 little ones, who sat in their little chairs and watched as their parents loaded the van, on Saturday May 15 (see above pic). It was precious! On Sunday we had 3 teens and a mom volunteer for the early shift and an elderly man for the afternoon shift. Anyone can serve the church and the poor through this (now our newest ministry). Give us a call, EMAIL or Sign-Up:
Volunteer for the Holy Faith 3rd Sunday Food DriveVOLUNTEER FOR FOOD DRIVE SUNDAYS
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. (James 2:14-17)
April 2021: Catholic Charities has sent the parishioners and friends of Holy Faith a debt of gratitude as we had reached our goal of giving in March 2021 once again with just about 1000lbs of food donated, the highest amount per pound donated since we began the third Sunday of the month extra appeal, back in September 2020, to refill the shelves that deplete before the end of every month. Let’s continue to meet this goal as it is so needed at this time of the month. Thank you, thank you. God Bless you in abundance as you bless others.
Holy Faith has teamed up with Catholic Charities to help fill the food pantry shelves every third Sunday of every month. This is a time when the supply dwindles and there’s not always enough for all in need. Although donations are accepted all month long, this is an extra push to keep the food shelves well stocked. Holy Faith has always supported the work of Catholic Charities doing what our church envisions: “to build together a Community of Compassion in Christ”. Thank you for your loving and giving hearts. May God bless you always.

Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed …
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Mark D, parishioner of Holy Faith, is a board member of Catholic Charities. Below is the recorded message for all of us from the 3rd Sunday Holy Faith Food Drive kick-off event in September. The appeal continues every 3rd Sunday of the Month with much success. Thank you Holy Faith for your compassion for the hungry!
Click on video below.