General Questions & Answers
Welcome to the Q&A section of our webpage. We hope this general information will help direct you to the answers you are looking for. If you don’t find your question here, please contact us with your request.
How do I join Holy Faith?
We are excited to have you be a part of our Parish. You can complete the membership form online, get a Paper Form, or stop by the church office open Monday thru Friday from 10am to 3pm for assistance.
I need to have my child baptized.
You can find information about Baptism for your child here where you can also place your request to attend the next baptismal preparation class for parents or request a date for the Baptism.
I want to give online. Do you offer that?
We offer online Giving through ParishSoft … Enroll Today!
I want to request a Mass for a friend who has just died or needs healing prayer.
Please call the office at 352-376-5405 to arrange for an available daily Mass date and time for a Mass Intention: Daily Masses are Monday-Friday 7:00am & 9:30am and Saturday at 9:00am.
I want to serve in the church.
You can find information about our many ministries and online sign up forms in many places throughout our webpage. To volunteer or inquire about a particular Ministry online click MINISTRY VOLUNTEER FORM .
What does SCC stand for?
We refer to our Small Christian Communities in our calendar as SCC meetings. Many of our small groups meet at Holy Faith in one of our meeting rooms. If you would like to know more about the small groups at Holy Faith go to: SCC Page
I want to sign up for Vacation Bible School.
VBS Registration for the current year begins in April annually. Registration is for children in Grades Kinder thru 8th or Preschool ages 3-4. Middle Schoolers serve as Helpers and earn service hours. High School teenagers can serve as crew leaders, stations leaders or assistants wherever needed. Online registration link can be found on our Event Sign-Up page.
Adults and Teen Volunteers must also register.
We will be adding more Q & A soon. Send us your questions.