Music and the Eucharist

“If music be the food of love, play on.” William Shakespeare

“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:19-21

Music at Sunday Mass

Music at Sunday Mass

If our Sunday Eucharist is the most important action we do all week, both as individuals and as a community, it deserves our dedication and our preparation. We are called by the church to enter into full, active and conscious participation at this celebration. How do we follow this important mandate? One way would be to have a greater understanding of the Mass, and to have a fuller understanding of those parts that require our participation by singing.

Most Catholics would be surprised to know that singing, like participation in the Sunday Eucharist, is required of us. You may want to spend some time reading and reflecting on the parts of the mass, why we sing them and how they are important to our Eucharistic liturgy. Church teaching about sung worship during the Mass can be found in many treasured sources. You will find a comprehensive list of sources for further reading at the end of this section.

Singing the Mass

Singing the Mass

The most important music ministry is that of the assembly gathered to give glory to the Father, through the Son in the Holy Spirit. Our deepest commitment is to the glorification of God and to the growing sanctification of the children of God. Although beautiful music can inspire and draw hearts to that “Love Divine”, no sound is more beautiful than the sound of the entire community in song.

The most important role then, of the Music Ministry of Holy Faith Catholic church, is to assist those who gather to celebrate the Sunday Eucharist to full, active, and conscious participation. It is our greatest desire to serve the Holy Spirit in inspiring the members of Christ’s Body to celebrate the Eucharist wholeheartedly.

What we do in liturgy is too vast and too deep to be left to our speaking voices. We need music so that we can fully express what we are about. (Cardinal Joseph Bernandin Guide for the Assembly)