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[fruitful_tab title=”CATHOLICS ON THE MOVE”]
Click on the Logo for the currently scheduled COTM opportunities.

[/fruitful_tab][fruitful_tab title=”WHAT”]
Catholics on the Move …. What is this all about?
COTM is an adult faith formation experience at Holy Faith Catholic Church designed for adults. The core belief of our Catholic faith is that Jesus is alive today and so is his Church, and our mission is to prepare ourselves in every possible way to be witnesses of this living Jesus. Our mission is to be properly equipped spiritually, in knowledge, and in wisdom, but especially with mercy and compassion to spread the joy of the Good News wherever we are and in whatever we do.
We will strive to be well equipped with knowledge and understanding of our faith, wisdom, healing, Scripture, Sacraments, and prayer. Most importantly, we will be equipped with the Holy Spirit and the compassion of the Lord in our hearts so we don’t miss Jesus in our brothers and sisters in need who God brings to us each day.
We invite each one of you to be a Catholic On The Move and join the run. No matter your stage in life or your circumstances, there will be encounters for all adults, to prepare and to witness each to the measure of their own ability and availability: parents, singles, married, divorced, sick, healthy, disabled, seniors, young adults, professionals, college students, rich, poor, and everyone in between… Everyone at Holy Faith will have the opportunity to move and keep moving for the Lord!
[fruitful_tab title=”PURPOSE”] The purpose of COTM is to take these opportunities that enrich all the dimensions of our faith and integrate them in such a way that we can grow into better and more faithful disciples. We will be engaged in four main areas of Faith Formation, integrated throughout the year, so that the central focus of all we do is Jesus and the mission He entrusted to all baptized people: to be his light in the world. Each opportunity we encounter, no matter how small or large, will immerse and enrich us in one or even several of these areas:
- Spiritual
- Apostolic
- Ecclesial
- Moral
[fruitful_tab title=”FAITH FORMATION”]
- SPIRITUAL FORMATION: Prayer, Spiritual Awareness, Scripture
- APOSTOLIC FORMATION: Christian Service, Outreach, Evangelization & Witnessing
- ECCLESIAL FORMATION: Sacraments, Catholic Identity, Basic Christian Doctrine, Community Participation
- MORAL FORMATION: Conscience & Morality, Social Justice
[fruitful_tab title=”HOW”] Although our faith is one and we all share in the common bond of Jesus and His mission, we are also different in the way we learn and grow in our faith. A variety of opportunities that involve diverse styles and experiences based on the survey that was conducted at our Parish in January of 2016 will continue to be made available. Some of these opportunities are new but others are current and have been available for several years in our Parish.
- Small Christian Communities
- Special Interest Groups on Demand (“Lets Talk” Gatherings)
- Sacraments & Ministry Formation
- Presentations, Talks, Classes and Series (guest & local speakers)
- Community Network and Gatherings
- Liturgical & Devotional Prayer
- Parish Missions & Retreats
- Media & Resource Center
- Theological Reflection groups for community outreach
[fruitful_tab title=”ENCOUNTERS”]
To accomplish this goal, Holy Faith will schedule many opportunities available during the year to prepare ourselves for this mission. These opportunities will be called encounters, because each one of them, whether it is a class, a retreat, a small group gathering, a prayer experience, or whatever it may be, will have as its purpose encountering Jesus and encountering each other in His name. As we live these encounters we will be preparing ourselves with the tools we need to move and keep moving until it is time to go to our eternal home!
We have experienced several Catholics on the Move Encounters since 2016. To name a few:
- All Parish Baby Shower: to support expectant mothers in need. Gifts were distributed through A Woman’s Answer Medical Center and Catholic Charities.
- Hope Behind Bars: We set our mailboxes for parishioners to place greeting cards addressed to our brothers and sisters in prison with messages of the love and mercy of God and to assure them of our prayers. These cards will be delivered for Christmas.
- The Living Rosary: On the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary, we honor our Blessed Mother by praying a living Rosary with the participation of parishioners, many praying in their native language, showing the diversity of our parish. We unite in prayer for peace and reconciliation in
the world.
- Military Families’ Potluck Gathering: On Veteran’s Day we invited the
entire parish to come and share some time in dedication of those who serve and have served in the United States Armed Forces, and their families. - “Let’s Talk” Gatherings: We offered a number of talks of interest that were well attended that included, “Planning for a Catholic Funeral” and “Going to Confession”.
- The establishment of additional Small Christian Communities with many options for group study, including book groups and online study series.
- Parent Faith Formation classes were started in 2019 during the children CCF class time for any interested adults covering many topics about our Catholic Faith and Q & A sessions.
- All parish presentations, movies and videos with discussion and plenty of snacks included.
- Annual Events, including the Holy Spirit Healing Conference, the Santo Nino Mass Celebration and Fiesta, Divine Mercy Sunday Prayer Service and the Candlelight Rosary on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe and special Holy Hours for Respect for all life and the annual New Year’s Day Holy Hour, to name just a few major ones.
- All Sunday celebrations and especially our Lenten and Advent Season special liturgies and ebvents are Catholic on the move opportunities.
- Stay tuned for more talks and opportunites to experience these encounters coming soon … Events will be posted on flyers available in the vestibule, office and Parish Life Center, as well as on our webpage calendar, weekly E-newsletter and the Holy Faith App.
[fruitful_tab title=”WHY”] Forming and growing in our faith is a life-long journey of paths that offer us a variety of opportunities to engage our minds, hearts, and souls to encounter and experience God. As Christians, we walk this way together, bonded to each other by our Baptism in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Lord and Savior. As Catholics, we are led by the Holy Spirit within our Catholic Church, learning, with each encounter and opportunity we take, how to be true witnesses to the love of God that comes to us through Christ Jesus. [/fruitful_tab]