Reflection 85: Interior Mortification
Saint Thecla Praying for the Plague-Stricken, Public Domain Dedication (CC0), via picryl Video One of the greatest gifts we can…
Reflection 84: The Blessed Host
Monstrance Jesus In The Blessed Sacrament, via Video It is impossible for us to love and adore Christ deeply…
Reflection 83: Pray Always
Image by Robert Cheaib on Pixabay Video Praying “always” may seem like an impossible task. Is it really possible to do so? …
Reflection 82: Attachments
Rembrandt, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Video There are many things in life we can become attached to. Sometimes we…
Reflection 81: Power and Mercy
Peter Paul Rubens, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Video Imagine a dictator of a country who has absolute power and…
Reflection 80: At the Hour of Our Death
Jesus Mary, via Video If you have prayed the “Hail Mary” prayer, then you have prayed for your last…
Reflection 79: Our Blessed Mother of Sorrows
Stained Glass Colorful Crucifixion, via Video Mother Mary endured so much in life. She endured suspicion and ridicule at…
Reflection 78: Desire for Happiness
Jesus Mercy via Video The most basic desire we have is for happiness. Everything we do, in some way,…
Reflection 77: The Lord Knows All Things Video It is most certain that our Divine Lord knows all things. He is aware of every thought we…
Reflection 76: Unjust Accusations
The Pardon of the Good Thief by James Tissot, via Brooklyn Museum Video Perhaps everyone has experienced an unjust accusation…
Reflection 75: Encountering Christ in Others
Image via Video The Blessed Sacrament is truly sacred. It is revered and treated with the greatest respect. We…
Reflection 74: A Compassionate Heart
Meester van de Barmhartige Samaritaan, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Video Is there a difference between “sympathy” and “compassion?” If…