Reflection 33: The Mercy of Purification
Guido Reni, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Video Imagine if you could see your soul as God sees it. What…
Reflection 32: The Mercy of Forgiveness
The Strike of the Lance by James Tissot, via Brooklyn Museum Video Throughout life you will be hurt by the…
Reflection 31: The Unfathomable Nature of God
Attributed to Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Video We cannot come to know God in…
Reflection 30: Obedience to God
The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise,1791, by Benjamin West, public domain, Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington Video…
Reflection 29: Moments of Consolation
Hendrick Bloemaert, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Video Just at the right time, if we are wholeheartedly seeking God every…
Reflection 28: Temptations to Complain
Image via Video At times we are tempted to complain. When tempted to question God and His perfect love…
Reflection 27: Trials Transformed Into Virtue
Frans Schwartz, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Video At times God imposes trials upon us. This is done out of…
Reflection 26: Uniting Your Interior Cross With Christ
Image by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay Video As you grow closer to God you will, at times, feel many things. Some will encounter…
Reflection 328: Heaven
Video Heaven invites us into a life of glory and fulfillment that is beyond what we could ever comprehend. Not…
Reflection 327: The Hidden Presence of God
Video God is hiding. But why? He hides under the veil of secrecy and silence so that we will diligently…
Reflection 326: Waiting on the Lord
Video One common struggle many people have is that of impatience. We tend to want what we want when we…
Reflection 325: Relying on the Saints
Video Imagine the soul who has lived a life filled with complete abandonment to God. They achieved the heights of…