Archived Online Mass Celebrations of Holy Faith
Here you can find the archived online (audio version) Mass Celebrations shared by Holy Faith during the coronavirus pandemic. Links to Sunday music, scripture readings, including the Gospel readings, homilies and the written order of Mass and prayers in easily followed printed form. We shared in this way to help our parishioners and friends feel connected to us. We were unable to livestream our Masses as we decided as a team that the safety and health of our priest, deacon and staff, as well as our Lectors and music Ministers, is extremely important to us, especially since some of these people are among the vulnerable population. We commend the Diocese and local parishes who have been able to provide these live services to their communities and hope all have been able to visit with them as well. There have also been an abundance of online Masses thru the Vatican, EWTN and many other Catholic sites and Church websites that many have experienced as well. While these online Masses, Rosaries and other devotions, have helped to keep Catholics and all Christians connected, we do know that these cannot replace the community Church gatherings we share in person, love and extremely miss.
We are praying with you and for you and the world for an end to this pandemic. We pray for all who have loss a loved one to the coronavirus, and for the health and safety of all the healthcare workers and first responders, and those who must continue to work for the people in the food industry and charities for the hungry, and for the school boards and teachers who continue to provide services to the families and children in the schools to keep our children safe, and for the parents who have accepted their roles as homeschool asssitants, and for the governments to make the right decisions to keep everyone safe.
The list goes on and on but we pray without ceasing as we have been taught and keep our eyes focused on the God of Love with the gift of the Faith of things unseen and the knowledge that God promised never to abandon us and hold on to the Hope that is our God.
We send up our sighs to our most gracious advocate, Mary our Mother, to hear and bring our prayers directly to her Son, Jesus, our Savior.
Jesus, we trust in you!
Click on any of the below banners to go back and revisit any of our online Masses from Palm Sunday to the most current in descending order.