Reflection 83: Pray Always

Image by Robert Cheaib on Pixabay


Praying “always” may seem like an impossible task.  Is it really possible to do so?  Does God even expect this of us?  It most certainly is and He most certainly does.  No, we will not be called to spend all day, every day, at church in prayer.  Not even those called to the cloistered monastic life do as such.  But praying always is a must.  It simply means that we have developed such a habit of closeness to God that our hearts are always with Him.  We are always attentive to His presence and are always in communion with His grace.  If we form this interior love for God, we will be praying always (See Diary #346).

Think about your day.  What occupies your mind and heart most of the time?  Do you spend excessive time daydreaming about things that have nothing to do with our Lord and the plan He has for you?  Work at establishing a habit of prayer.  Pray deeply and wholeheartedly at various moments of the day giving prayer your full attention.  And then, throughout the day, try to let those moments of prayer sustain you and remain with you, carrying you on throughout all that you do.

Lord, help me to know how to pray.  Instill within me a deep habit of prayer.  Help me to regularly take moments, each day, when all I do is focus on You, seeking You out.  And help me to bring those moments into everything I do so that my mind and heart may always be in communion with You.  My Lord, I love You, help me to love You more.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Day Seventeen Meditations:
40 Days in the Desert & 40 Days at the Cross

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