Reflection 67: Hidden Roses of Love

Francesc Ribalta, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Featured Image by Sr. M. Jutta from Pixabay


Some acts of love are meant to be shared only between lovers.  Acts of the utmost intimacy and self-giving are precious gifts of love shared in the secrecy of a relationship of love.  This is also the case with our love of God.  We should regularly look for ways to express our most profound love of God in ways that are known only to Him.  In return, God will lavish merciful graces upon us, interiorly, known to us alone.  These mutual exchanges of love are powerfully transforming to a soul and the source of the greatest delight (See Diary #239).

Reflect, today, upon the intimacy of your relationship with our merciful God.  Do you take great delight in showering Him with Your love?  Do you do so, regularly, in the secrecy of your heart.  And do you open yourself to the countless ways that God bestows these graces of love upon you?

Lord, may my interior acts of love for You be as a rose I place before Your Divine Heart.  May I delight in offering You my love and may I rejoice, always, in the secret and profound ways that You lavish Your love upon me.  Jesus, I trust in You.

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40 Days in the Desert & 40 Days at the Cross

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