Reflection 5: Redemption of the World

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Gabriel Metsu, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Note: Reflections 1-10 provide a general introduction to the Diary of Saint Faustina and to The Divine Mercy. Starting with Reflection 11 we will begin to ponder its content with citations to the Diary. For now, during these first 10 days, use these short initial introductory reflections to help set the foundation for your understanding of this new devotion to The Divine Mercy to be pondered throughout the year.

The Incarnation was the greatest act of Mercy ever known. The only subsequent act that surpassed it was the act of Jesus dying on the Cross destroying sin and death by His blood. The redemption of the world, through the blood of the Cross, is an act of love and Mercy that we will never fully comprehend. We could never be grateful enough for this act since we will never fully fathom the depth of this love.

Spend time throughout this day pondering the crucifix.  Hold it in your hand, look at it, imagine it and meditate on it.  And then try and close your eyes from time to time pondering the full reality of the Crucifixion.  This was not an easy sacrifice.  It was especially difficult to receive such brutality and to say, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”  This is Divine Mercy.

Lord, help me to gaze deeply upon Your Cross and to discover, within that Cross, an ocean of pure Mercy. Wash me in this sacrificial love and help me to obtain eternal redemption. Jesus, I trust in You.

Read Introduction to Reflections 1-10

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