Reflection 365: The Queen of Mercy

Simone Cantarini, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


This last reflection is dedicated to the Queen of Mercy, the Most Glorious Mother of God.  She, more than any other, was and continues to be a perfect instrument of the Mercy of God.  She brought forth Mercy Himself into this world by her fiat, her “Yes,” at the Annunciation.  She suffered greatly as she watched her Son suffer such brutality, and offered her motherly love to console His Heart and to win much grace in the world through her sacrifice.  She was taken body and soul into Heaven and given the Crown of Glory by her Son, so that from her glorious throne in Heaven, she may continue to lavish Mercy on the world.  Seek her prayers, trust in her intercession, consecrate yourself to her motherly care, and know of her perfect love for you.  She will never abandon her children and, therefore, she will never abandon you. 

Dearest Mother, my Queen, I love you with a profound love and I desire to consecrate myself to your Immaculate Heart.  Your heart, dear Mother, is a heart overflowing with the Mercy of Your Son.  He has given you all grace and entrusted you with the dispensation of this grace upon the world.  May I never doubt your maternal care and intercession.  I love you, dear Mother.  I give myself entirely to you so that you may bring me to Your Son, Jesus.  Mother Mary, my Queen, pray for me.  Jesus, I trust in You.

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Table of Contents

Structure of this Book

Introduction for Priests

More Divine Mercy Reflections

Daily Gospel Reflections

Saints/Feasts for Today

Available as eBook & Paperback