Our Lady of the Rosary by Lawrence OP, license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
In regard to your eternal salvation, the hour of your death is so very important. When you pray the “Hail Mary” prayer, you pray specifically for this sacred hour. It is a holy hour. But it is also an hour when the evil one will lash out at you one more time to try to steal your soul for all eternity. It is essential that you spend your life preparing for this sacred hour by your prayers, a life of sacrifice, and a life of charity. But it is also essential that you pray for those who are in their last hour. For some, this is a moment of true spiritual battle. See it as a duty of charity to regularly remember those who are in their last hour in your prayers. They will thank you in Heaven (See Diary #1798).
Reflect upon your death this day, and especially try to pray the rosary for this moment. Consider, also, making a commitment to pray for those who are dying. Death brings many temptations, such as fear, and is a time when much grace is needed. Pray that every soul, including your own, will enter this hour with confidence and faith, trusting in the abundant Mercy of God.
Lord, I offer You my last hour in this life and pray for all those who will face this moment today. May it be a sweet hour in which we are surrounded by Your angels and saints. May we especially receive the consolation of knowing the prayers of Your dear Mother at this moment. Mother Mary, pray for us, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Jesus, I trust in You.
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