Michelangelo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Note: Reflections 1-10 provide a general introduction to the Diary of Saint Faustina and to The Divine Mercy. Starting with Reflection 11 we will begin to ponder its content with citations to the Diary. For now, during these first 10 days, use these short initial introductory reflections to help set the foundation for your understanding of this new devotion to The Divine Mercy to be pondered throughout the year.
In preparation for a deeper understanding of The Divine Mercy, we begin with the first gift of God: The Creation of the World. God, in His goodness, created the world out of nothing. This act of creating everything out of nothing reveals, in part, that creation is a pure gift from the goodness of God. This first act of love is His first act of Mercy.
Ponder the gift of creation throughout this day. Try and let your heart be filled with gratitude for all God created out of nothing. All creation reflects the splendor and beauty of our God.
Lord, I thank You for the wonderful gift of creation. I thank You for creating all things out of love and for being the one and only source of all that is. All of creation reveals Your merciful love. Jesus, I trust in You.
Read Introduction to Reflections 1-10
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