Prayer Wall Graphic


We publish our prayer list in our weekly bulletin.  May our prayers be answered through the intercessions of the Immaculate Heart of Mary who lifts up our prayers immediately to her son Jesus and His Most Sacred Heart of Mercy.

 If your request is to add a name to the prayer list in the bulletin go to: Prayer Request Form.

Click below to add a prayer request to our prayer wall.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 27 times.

Daniel S

We are desperately seeking your fervent prayers...asking for God’s will to speedily deliver us from this long and on-going financial hardship...

Please pray that our Heavenly Father would provide us an open door for a breakthrough and much needed miracle..

We are trusting Jehova-Jireh and claiming all of his promises over our lives!

May God receive all the glory, honor, and praise!!

Prayerfully yours,

Daniel & Charlene

Received: April 8, 2022

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