Prayer Wall Graphic


We publish our prayer list in our weekly bulletin.  May our prayers be answered through the intercessions of the Immaculate Heart of Mary who lifts up our prayers immediately to her son Jesus and His Most Sacred Heart of Mercy.

 If your request is to add a name to the prayer list in the bulletin go to: Prayer Request Form.

Click below to add a prayer request to our prayer wall.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Please pray that the Lord will continue to heal me, help me to let go of attachments, and teach me to trust Him completely with the outcome of my situation. Also that he will protect my children through this ordeal, and bring peace to my family. Thank you.

Received: November 18, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


I pray for my grand children and others in my circle of family and friends that God sends someone into their lives with the message of life and salvation. Send them someone they can respect to bring them the truth, speak to them the words of Christ which are spirit and life. May the words that they hear remain in their hearts.

May this someone awaken their spirit and help their belief in Jesus in whose name I pray.

Received: November 17, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


For physical ailments, as well as mental, emotional and spiritual ones. For hearts that are burdened, for wounds within families, we pray for healing according to your will. We pray without ceasing!

Received: November 16, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


For our Parish of Holy Faith as we mourn the death of our Pastor, Fr. John Phillips. May our hearts be filled with the memories of his love for all of us and may we be healed of the pain of his loss knowing that he is sharing in the Heavenly Banquet of Eternal Life and is praying for each and everyone one of us.

Received: November 16, 2019

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