For the weeks of the Third Sunday of Lent and the Fourth Sunday of Lent here are more simple suggestions to help you along on your Lenten journey. This resource comes from We pray everyone finds a way, a resource, etc., to help them on their journey to the Celebration of Easter, especially as we experience the uncertainty of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic in our personal lives.
We remind you that during Lent we are preparing for the celebration of Easter. The journey began on Ash Wednesday and continues to Holy Thursday and then we enter the three most Holy Days of the Liturgical Season, the Triduum. Lent is like a retreat. It is a time of Prayer and Worship, Fasting, and Sharing our Resources (Giving in Mercy).
Third Week of Lent: Prayer and Worship … Make a list of people who need your prayers. Set aside time each day this week to remember them in your morning or evening prayers.
Fasting and Abstinence … Abstain from hurtful words. Pause before responding to someone out of anger or resentment. Substitute words of healing and consideration.
Sharing with Others … Offer to help someone else in the family, at work, or in school with a chore or task.
Fourth Week of Lent: Prayer and Worship … Take time each day to ask God for forgiveness. Consider some part of your life that you want to change in order to become more loving and compassionate.
Fasting and Abstinence … Fast from watching television or going online one day this week. Offer up that time to something that feeds your soul, such as going for a walk, reading a book, or listening to soothing music.
Sharing with Others … Pray with your family for someone who is sick or in a nursing home, or donate to the Migrant Ministry Easter Egg project. The church is open from 10am to 7pm daily and gifts will be accepted.
How are you doing this Lent?