During Lent we prepare for the celebration of Easter. The journey began on Ash Wednesday and continues to Holy Thursday and then we enter the three most Holy Days of the Liturgical Season, the Triduum. Lent is like a retreat. It is a time of Prayer and Worship, Fasting, and Sharing our Resources (Giving in Mercy). We will post every Sunday of Lent a simple weekly suggestion to help you along on your journey here in our app. This resource comes from www.Sadlier.com/Religion. We pray everyone finds a way, a resource, etc., to help them on their journey to the Celebration of Easter!
First Week of Lent: Prayer and Worship … Go through the parish bulletin, flyer and calendar and look for Lenten services. Mark your calendar in order to plan on attending one or more of
these over the next six weeks.
Fasting and Abstinence … Consider the ways food is wasted or consumed carelessly. This week, make an effort to eat only until you feel satisfied rather than full.
Sharing with Others … Give up something you usually buy for yourself, such as a cup of coffee or a song downloaded from the Internet. Double the amount you would have spent and place it in the collection basket at church.