If you have not picked up your FREE Seder Supper Tickets, we will have them available after every Mass this weekend. The Seder Supper is this coming Thursday, April 11th beginning at 6:30pm. Doors open at 6pm for seating. Tickets are required unless you have signed up to be a server. The SEDER is a ritual meal as well as a fun and prayerful event. There is song, dancing, and a profound respect for the Jewish tradition. Seating is limited and
you will need your ticket to assure a seat so be sure to pick one up this weekend after Mass before we run out.
04/06/2019 12:00pm
If you have not picked up your FREE Seder Supper Tickets, we will have them available after every Mass this weekend. The Seder Supper is this coming Thursday, April 11th beginning at 6:30pm. Doors open at 6pm for seating. Tickets are required unless you have signed up to be a server. The SEDER is a ritual meal as well as a fun and prayerful event. There is song, dancing, and a profound respect for the Jewish tradition. Seating is limited and
you will need your ticket to assure a seat so be sure to pick one up this weekend after Mass before we run out.