The Santo Nino Fiesta celebration Mass in honor of the Infant Jesus, is this Sunday, January 20, at 2:00pm at Holy Faith Church, followed by the traditional festive celebration with a procession around the grounds to the Parish Life Center where the fiesta continues with an amazing feast of food, dance and fellowship. This Filipino tradition has been shared in our community for the past nine years at Holy Faith. If you have never attended, come and enjoy an afternoon of this cultural celebration of our Filipino community. All are invited!
01/19/2019 03:00pm
The Santo Nino Fiesta celebration Mass in honor of the Infant Jesus, is this Sunday, January 20, at 2:00pm at Holy Faith Church, followed by the traditional festive celebration with a procession around the grounds to the Parish Life Center where the fiesta continues with an amazing feast of food, dance and fellowship. This Filipino tradition has been shared in our community for the past nine years at Holy Faith. If you have never attended, come and enjoy an afternoon of this cultural celebration of our Filipino community. All are invited!