BUSY weekend: First Communion, Welcome Committee “Meet & Greet”and the Crowning of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Keep our young children in your prayers as they approach the Table of the Lord to receive their First Communion tomorrow, Saturday, May 5th at the 5:00pm Vigil Mass. This celebration may extend the Mass time by about 1/2 hour.
We are inviting everyone to stop by and meet and greet the members of our Welcoming Committee. They would like to share with you the joy they experience serving in this Ministry of Welcome, and invite you to find out more about what they do to extend this welcome, and how you can join them in welcoming others. Be sure to stop by and say “Hello”. After all, that’s what Welcoming is all about!
We also invite you to join us on Sunday, after the 11:15am Mass, for our traditional Crowning of the statue of Our Blessed Mother in the Mary Garden. We will walk in procession from the Church to the Grotto for the crowning in song and pray a decade of the Rosary as we honor our Beautiful Mother with our Parish Family.