This Sunday, April 15, we invite you to a special presentation by Susan Johnson on ‘Healthcare Advance Directives’ in the Parish Life Center at 1pm. This talk will help you to understand the importance of making the decision about your your own care should something happen to you and you are unable to make your wishes know to your loved ones. Come and learn about this important decision making process and how to get it done. Susan is a certified Pastoral Care Chaplain with over 20 years experience in her field.
04/14/2018 02:00pm
This Sunday, April 15, we invite you to a special presentation by Susan Johnson on ‘Healthcare Advance Directives’ in the Parish Life Center at 1pm. This talk will help you to understand the importance of making the decision about your your own care should something happen to you and you are unable to make your wishes know to your loved ones. Come and learn about this important decision making process and how to get it done. Susan is a certified Pastoral Care Chaplain with over 20 years experience in her field.