Parish Life
At Holy Faith we are committed to living the life of the Compassionate Christ together by sharing his welcome, his worship, his witness, his walk in the Spirit, his work. All these dimensions must be present in a parish; all are interwoven with one another. Each “W” is briefly explained below and although many ministries intermingle into more than one category of parish life we have listed the most discernible. A brief description of each ministry can be found in the “Ministry Directory” organized alphabetically. To go directly to a particular ministry go to:
[fruitful_tabs type=”accordion” width=”50%” fit=”false”]
[fruitful_tab title=”A to B Ministries”] Afterglow Ministry to Building Community Ministry [/fruitful_tab]
[fruitful_tab title=”C Ministries”] Catechist to Cursillo [/fruitful_tab]
[fruitful_tab title=”D to H Ministries”] Extraordinary Ministers to Hofa Crafts Ministy [/fruitful_tab]
[fruitful_tab title=”I to M Ministries”] Knights of Columbus to Ministry Formation [/fruitful_tab]
[fruitful_tab title=”N to R Ministries”] Natural Family Planning to Rosary Groups [/fruitful_tab]
[fruitful_tab title=”S to Z Ministries”] Secular Fransicans to Young Adult Ministry [/fruitful_tab] [/fruitful_tabs]
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Welcome (Hospitality & Building Christian Community)
We are to welcome one another as Christ welcomes all. Our community is built around unity and diversity. We are one family in Christ, and still we are young and old, families and single people, working people and retirees, and people with a great many talents and gifts.
Welcome Ministries include but are not limited to: Boy Scouts; Catholic Youth Ministry; HoFa Crafts; Hospitality (Coffee & Donuts); Knights of Columbus; Landscaping Committee; Parish Council; Welcoming Committee
Worship (The Liturgy)
We worship with Christ in the sacraments and especially in the celebration of the Mass. Our worship gives us a vision of the way God wants the world to be done: with compassion and justice. Below is a list of the ministries associated with Worship.
Worship Ministries include but are not limited to: Altar Servers; Altar Linens; Choir (Music Ministry); Decorations and Flowers; Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass; Lectors; Sacristans; Ushers & Greeters …
Witness (Religious Education and Formation)
We witness to the life of Christ through the Catholic Church’s teaching and living the Gospel.
Witness Ministries include but are not limited to: Catechists for CCF or Sacramental Preparation; Catholic Schools; Children’s Christian Faith Formation; Facilitators of Small Christian Communities; First Holy Communion for Children; Library of the Parish; Marriage Preparation; Marriage Preparation Spirituality Session; Natural Family Planning; RCIA Facilitators and Sponsors; Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults; Sacrament of Confirmation …
Walking in the Spirit (Spirituality)

In Baptism we are given the Holy Spirit. The Spirit guides what we do and empowers us to live the Gospel. The Spirit teaches us how to pray, to fast from what is unnecessary, and to give compassionately to others. Below is a list of ministries associated with Walking in the Spirit. We invite you to get involved.
Walking in the Spirit Ministries include but are not limited to: First Friday Adoration; Healing Prayer Teams; People of Praise (Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group); Rosary Groups; Praying the Stations of the Cross …
Work of Christ (Christian Service and Outreach)

We are called to do the work (the service) of Christ. We are called to love others and serve others, especially any in need, with the compassion of Christ. “God has shown you what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: to do justice, to love with mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) Below is a list of ministries associated with the Work of Christ (Christian Service and Outreach). We invite you to learn more and get involved.
Work of Christ Ministries include but are not limited to: Angels of Mercy; Compassion and Justice /Migrant Ministry; Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick & Homebound; Parish Nurses; Respect Life Ministry; Sister Parish in Guatemala; St. John Paul II Religious Article Store …