Reflection 347: Holy Communion

Jan van den Hoecke, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


There is no greater gift in this world than Holy Communion.  And yet we so often approach that Sacrament with a distracted and inattentive heart.  To overcome such a distraction you must first be convinced, with your entire mind, of the deep truths of the reality of Holy Communion.  You must submit, with deep faith, to the reality that God is there, fully, in veiled form, coming to unite Himself with you in the most profound way.  Second, as you believe, you must make an act of the will, choosing to receive Him not only into your body, but into every part of your being.  Believe and then choose and the Lord of Mercy will transform your life through your worthy reception of Holy Communion (See Diary #1676).

Reflect upon the past several times you have gone forward to receive our Lord in Holy Communion.  What was going through your mind at the time?  Where was your heart in these moments?  Renew your total trust in God as He comes to you through this most Precious Gift and resolve to receive Him more worthily the next time you receive this privilege.

Lord, please do renew my love for You as You come to me in Holy Communion.  May I understand You as You come to me in this Precious Gift and may I choose You with my entire will.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Saint of the Day – Saint Lucy of Syracuse, Virgin and Martyr—Memorial

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
Traditionally prayed 15 times a day from November 30 through Christmas Eve.

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Reflection 346: The Gifts of Others

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


One act of Mercy you can offer to others is to perceive the gifts of God in their lives and to rejoice in that fact.  Sadly, there can often be a temptation to be jealous or envious of others, especially when you see their natural talents or the grace of God in their lives.  But if you can look at them with humility, your heart will be moved to see God at work in them.  You will see their natural gifts as gifts from God given at the creation of their souls, and you will see their supernatural gifts as gifts from God given by His grace.  Seek to rejoice in the goodness of God alive in all His children and you will add to those gifts in their lives and also in yours (See Diary #1671).

What is your first reaction when you see either a natural talent or a supernatural grace in another?  Are you jealous or envious?  Or do you rejoice that you are blessed to see God at work?  Reflect honestly upon this question this day and seek the latter so that the Lord will bring forth even more blessings in your life and theirs.

Lord, I thank You for the way You are at work in all of Your children.  As I see Your hand and boundless gifts, give me the grace of a joyful heart so that I may rejoice in the good things You offer to all.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Saint of the Day – Our Lady of Guadalupe—USA Feast

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
Traditionally prayed 15 times a day from November 30 through Christmas Eve.

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A great Christmas gift!

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy:
365 Days with Saint Faustina

Reflection 345: Drowned in God

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Do you ever soak in God?  This is a rare and even non-existent experience for most people.  Soaking, or drowning in God means that you become immersed so deeply in prayer that it’s as if you are lost in His presence.  When this happens, the Lord fully takes you over and possesses your soul for that moment.  You may not remain this way and you may soon return to your sins, but moments of pure contemplation are treasures in this life beyond anything else.  It’s a way that God gives you a taste of His glory so that you are left desiring Him all the more (See Diary #1669).

Consider the question of whether or not you have ever allowed yourself to be so drawn into the presence of God that you lose track of time and space.  It’s as if you were transported to the Heart of Christ and rested in His bosom.  If you have never entered this depth of prayer know that it awaits you.  The Lord’s love is so deep and so perfect that, when you experience but a taste, you will be coming back for more as often as you can.

Lord, draw me into Your presence.  Help me to know You and Your perfect love.  Help me to experience You in perfect adoration and praise.  May I receive but a glimpse of Your glory and savor that delight evermore.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Saint of the Day – Saint Damasus I, Pope

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
Traditionally prayed 15 times a day from November 30 through Christmas Eve.

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Reflection 344: Stop Worrying About Sin

Image via Pixabay.


That may sound like an unusual heading.  You should be concerned about sin inasmuch as you should diligently seek to avoid it.  But if you were to realize that your understanding of the Mercy of God is but a drop of water compared to the ocean, you would not allow your concerns to turn into worries.  To be concerned is to be conscientious and being conscientious is a grace.  But when you look at your sin, honestly and thoroughly, in the light of the Mercy of God, you will never worry that your sin is too much for God.  His greatest desire is to wipe it away in an instant, forever (See Diary #1665).

Reflect upon whether you are comfortable facing your sins with exceptional honesty.  If you are not then that is a sign that you do not understand His infinite Mercy.  Know that comprehending His Mercy is the best cure for every sin.

Lord, I see my sin but I want to see it more clearly.  Give me the grace of knowing Your perfect Mercy so that I can face my sin without worry and without fear.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
Traditionally prayed 15 times a day from November 30 through Christmas Eve.

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Saints/Feasts for Today

A great Christmas gift!

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy:
365 Days with Saint Faustina

Reflection 343: Glorifying the Lord in All Things

St Paul Miki and Companion Martyrs by Lawrence OP, license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


It’s easy to be grateful only when things go well.  But when times are tough we tend to turn in on ourselves in self-pity.  But you must learn to glorify the Lord in all things.  There are countless blessings and graces that God gives you for which you must experience immense gratitude.  Family blessings, spiritual consolations, fulfillment of duties, etc., must all be occasions of gratitude.  But gratitude must permeate everything in life, even hardships.  Seek to glorify the Lord not only because of the “good things of life,” but also throughout the difficult things.  Everything can be used by God for His glory and we must rejoice in that fact day and night (See Diary #1661-1662).

Reflect upon this “challenge.”  Can you find joy in all things and offer praise and gratitude to God no matter what?  God is worth it and He deserves your continual praise.  He never leaves you and when you realize this it will be the source of unending praise and thanksgiving.

Lord, I adore You, worship You, praise You and thank You for all things in my life.  Thank You for the blessings and for always being there when life is hard.  Help me to grow in my gratitude for You and to rejoice always for Your Mercy.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Saint of the Day –  Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary—Solemnity
(Patronal Feast of the United States—Always a Holy Day of Obligation)

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
Traditionally prayed 15 times a day from November 30 through Christmas Eve.

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A great Christmas gift!

Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy:
365 Days with Saint Faustina

Reflection 342: The Refreshment of the Passion

Image via


Normally we do not put the words “passion” and “refreshment” together.  How could the Passion of Christ be refreshing?  It is only horrific and sorrowful from an earthly perspective.  The Lord suffered greatly and our blessed Mother suffered with Him with the most sorrowful heart.  But they both took great refreshment in this act also.  This is because the Passion is pure love.  And love refreshes us like nothing other.  When you meditate on the Passion of our Lord you also offer joy and refreshment to His suffering soul and your own crosses are transformed as you enter into His (See Diary #1657).

Never stop reflecting upon the Passion of our Lord.  It must become an image that is imbedded upon your heart.  Reflect on how often you do meditate on this act of pure love.  Do you understand it?  Do you see the love and compassion that brought our Lord to such a gift?  Put your eyes on the Passion today and never take them off this refreshing act of perfect Mercy. 

Lord, help me to see Your Passion for what it is.  Please peel back the veil of Your suffering and pain so that I may see the love that led You to this moment.  As I gaze upon this beauty may I bring You delight and be transformed by Your Mercy.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Novena to the Immaculate Conception
November 29-December 7

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
Traditionally prayed 15 times a day from November 30 through Christmas Eve.

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Saints/Feasts for Today

Reflection 341: Adore the Lord My Soul

Image via Unsplash


If you have ever been to a wonder of nature, the moment you behold it is an awe-inspiring moment.  Looking at the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, or the Swiss Alps for the first time will take your breath away and leave you in a moment of adoration of God’s creation.  But if the beauty of nature can evoke such a response, then the infinite beauty of God will leave you in awe for eternity.  It will be a moment of such “Beholding” that every fiber of your being will be drawn to God the moment you are face-to-face.  And that “moment” will become one eternal moment.  That moment can begin now if you allow yourself to be drawn into the adoration of God (See Diary #1652).

Do you understand the idea of adoring God?  There is only one way to understand and that’s to do it.  For example, someone may tell you all about the Grand Canyon, and it may be interesting, but seeing it with your own eyes completely changes your understanding.  Reflect today on whether or not you know what it means to adore God with your whole soul.  If you do not, then seek out this supernatural marvel.

Oh Lord, I desire to adore You with all my being.  I want to be mesmerized by Your beauty and glory.  Draw me in, dear Lord, and allow me to have but a glimpse of the glory I am to behold for all eternity.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Novena to the Immaculate Conception
November 29-December 7

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
Traditionally prayed 15 times a day from November 30 through Christmas Eve.

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Saints/Feasts for Today

Reflection 340: Being Tested

Rembrandt, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


It may not be immediately pleasant, but at times we greatly benefit from being tested.  The Lord permits this in a variety of ways.  Being tested is not a temptation; rather, it’s a way that the Lord allows us to endure a trial so as to invite us to more deeply submit to His holy Will.  When you feel a trial come your way, the best thing you can do is to get down on your knees and pray, “Lord, may Your Divine Will be done in all things!  I submit fully to whatever You desire!”  What a perfect prayer, especially when prayed in the context of a trial.  This prayer will enable you to pass the test (See Diary #1648).

How do you react when you are faced with a trial in life?  Do you despair?  Or do you get down on your knees and surrender your life to God?  Ponder this and resolve to surrender in all things so that you will pass every test in life.

Lord, I do surrender to You my whole being.  Take all that I am and all that I hope to be.  All is Yours, Lord.  Do with me as You will, when You will and how You will.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
Traditionally prayed 15 times a day from November 30 through Christmas Eve.

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Saints/Feasts for Today

Reflection 339: The Pure Soul

Image via Pixabay.


It may not be something you immediately conclude, but a soul who has a pure love of God is feared by many.  The “fear” that they have is a fear to oppose such a soul.  Those with malicious intent will not dare to attack such a person because they know it may backfire on them.  It’s impossible for anyone to harm you when your heart is perfectly set on the Lord (See Diary #1643).

What do you fear?  Or perhaps the better question is “Why do you fear?”  If your heart is set on Christ’s then there is no reason to worry or fear anything.  Even if others attack you in some way, if your heart is set on Christ then this will not matter.  Reflect the image of fog and see that as the many struggles of life.  Then imagine the bright and powerful Sun coming out and burning the fog away.  This is what happens when we set our heart on the Lord.

Lord, I want to be a pure soul, setting my heart only on You.  My heart is Yours, dear Lord.  I entrust it to You with all my might.  Jesus, I trust in You.

See all of our Advent Resources

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
Traditionally prayed 15 times a day from November 30 through Christmas Eve.

More Divine Mercy Reflections

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Saints/Feasts for Today

Reflection 338: Keeping a Secret

Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


One act of love we can offer another is our confidentiality.  We have all had experiences of people coming to us with a problem or confusion and they ask us to keep it to ourselves.  Can you keep this form of a sacred secret?  Confidentiality is a wonderful act of mercy to others.  If you can be truly confidential, others will come to realize this quality in you and they will more readily come to you with their concerns.  This act of friendship, given out of love, opens the door to others to open their hearts and let you in.  As you enter in, do so with much understanding and care and the Lord will bless them through you (See Diary #1638).

Reflect upon the question of confidentiality.  When someone shares something in confidence with you, do you immediately think about who else you can tell?  Are you tempted to reveal these secrets or, even worse, to spread gossip?  The Lord wants many souls who are there for others, to listen to them, to understand them and to love them no matter what they need to share.  Be a holy listener and confidant and you will be an instrument of much Mercy.

Lord, I pray that I may become a person of great integrity, offering a compassionate and confidential ear to those who need it.  Give me grace to be freed of useless chatter and gossip and to revere every person, respecting their dignity through privacy.  May I never push or probe for more but only be a compassionate friend who is always there to show love.  Jesus, I trust in You.

See all of our Advent Resources

Novena to the Immaculate Conception
November 29-December 7

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
Traditionally prayed 15 times a day from November 30 through Christmas Eve.

More Divine Mercy Reflections

Daily Gospel Reflections

Saints/Feasts for Today