Baptism Request Form

"*" indicates required fields

Full Legal Name of Parent*
For mother please use maiden name (name as on birth certificate) ... Use N/A if no middle name
Full Legal Name of Other Parent*
For mother please use maiden name (name as on birth certificate) ... Use N/A if no middle name
We will use this email to communicate concerning the Baptism of your child.
Is this a cellphone number?*
Please Respond below ...
Do we have your permission to text to this number?*
Please Respond below ...
Please provide your address

Child Information

Begin the process for having a child baptized at Holy Faith by giving us the following information.
Full Legal Name of Child*
If child is unborn as of today, enter today's date and make a note in comment area as to expected date of birth.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are you a member of our Faith Community?*
Have you attended a Baptismal Preparation Course?*
Baptismal Preparation Session Dates (Choose a date to register)*
At this time our Baptismal Prep Sessions will be either in-person or can be completed through an approved online course. In-person sessions begin at 10:30am and end at 12Noon on scheduled Saturday dates. You can register here by choosing a date that will work with your schedule and choosing your class. We will send you confirmation of your registration and a reminder email.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.