We have posted the most recent directives from the Diocese of St. Augustine as of March 20 2020 concerning the pandemic on our webpage, and have sent an email message to everyone in our database that has submitted an email. To stay connected please supply us with a current email and continue to keep notifications on for myparishapp.
You can also Pray the Sunday Mass at Holy Faith by following the linked pages on our website. Click on the online link at the bottom of this message for the detailed information, etc. There you will find a message from our Bishop, this Sundays homily by our Pastor, Fr. Emmanuel, the Sunday intercessions and announcements under “Sundays at Holy Faith” .
Changed as of 24 March 2020: The Holy Faith office will be closed until further notice. Phone calls will be addressed. Call 352-376-5405and leave your message. Someone will return your call.
Please continue to check our webpage banner for updates and full details of the directives as they come in.
We continue to pray for the protection and safety of all and for an end to this pandemic sooner rather than later, asking for the intercession of our Blessed Mother who brings our request directly to her son, our Lord and Savior, who has never refused her requests.
Stay safe, you are all in our prayers!
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