Reflection 99: The Scourge of Sin


Why was it that Jesus suffered as He did?  Why did He receive such a severe scourging?  Why was His death so painful?  Because sin has consequences and is the source of great pain.  But Jesus’ voluntary and sinless embrace of suffering transformed human suffering so that it now has the power to purge us and free us from sin and all attachment to sin (See Diary #445).

Do you realize that the extreme pain and suffering Jesus went through was on account of your own sin?  It’s important to acknowledge that humbling fact.  It’s important to see a direct connection between His suffering and your sin.  But this should not be a cause of guilt or shame, it should be a cause of gratitude.  Deep humility and gratitude.

Lord, I thank You for all that You endured in Your holy Passion.  I thank You for Your suffering and Cross.  I thank You for redeeming suffering and transforming it into a source of salvation.  Help me to allow the sufferings I endure to change my life and purge me of my sin.  I unite my sufferings to Yours, dear Lord, and pray that You will use it for Your glory.  Jesus, I trust in You.

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Featured image above: Crowning with Thorns By Dirck van Baburen, via Wikimedia Commons

Reflection 98: Being an Instrument


Divine Mercy Sunday Resources

When God calls us to fulfill some mission, who is at work?  God or us?  The truth is that we are both at work, God is the source and we are the instrument.  We make a freewill effort, but it is God who shines through.  Just as a window can act as a source of light in the house, it is not the window that shines, it is the Sun.  Similarly, we must surrender ourselves to God so that He will shine through us, but we must always remember that we are only a window through which God will shine in our world (See Diary #438).

Do you want God to shine through you brightly?  Do you want His rays of love to radiate and enlighten others?  If you do, then humble yourself so that you can become His instrument of grace.  Recognize that you are nothing more than an instrument, not the source.  Be open to the Source of all Grace and He will shine through with great power and splendor.

Lord, I offer myself to You as a window for Your merciful Heart.  Shine through me, dear Lord.  May I be a true instrument of Your grace and may I always remember that You and You alone are the source of all grace and Mercy.  Jesus, I trust in You.

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Featured image above: Saint Peter in Prayer from the circle of Hendrick Bloemaert, via Wikimedia Commons

Reflection 97: The “Excuse” of Our Weakness


Divine Mercy Sunday Resources

If you were asked to build a rocket ship from scratch, you may object stating that you are not competent in this area and, therefore, cannot do what you are being asked to do.  We often have the same response to God regarding His Will.  We can easily feel as though we are being asked too much by our Lord, but this is foolish thinking since our Lord would never ask us to do that which He will not also provide the grace to accomplish (See Diary #435).

What is it that you feel unqualified to do?  Perhaps it’s a matter within your family, or an activity you are called to assist with at church.  Or perhaps our Lord has placed something on your heart that you avoid considering out of feelings of inadequacy.  But if we trust Jesus, we must trust that we will be able to fulfill His perfect Will in our lives.  We must trust that He would never call us to something beyond what we can accomplish through His grace.

Lord, I say “Yes” to you again this day.  I, once again, renew my commitment to fulfill Your holy Will.  May I never let worry or a lack of confidence keep me from fulfilling the holy mission You have given to me.  Jesus, I trust in You.

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Featured image above: Annunciation By Luca Giordano, via Wikimedia Commons

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Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy:
365 Days with Saint Faustina

Reflection 96: The Great Plan God Has For You


We can all, at times, have dreams of grandeur.  What if I were rich and famous?  What if I had great power in this world?  What if I were the Pope or the President?  But what we can be certain of is that God does have great things in mind for us.  He calls us to a greatness we could never imagine.  One problem that often arises is that, when we begin to sense what God wants of us, we run away and hide.  God’s Divine Will often calls us out of our comfort zone and requires great trust of Him and abandonment to His Holy Will (See Diary #429).

Are you open to what God wants of you?  Are you willing to do whatever He asks?  Often times we wait for Him to ask, then think about His request, and then become filled with fear over that request.  But the key to fulfilling the Will of God is to say “Yes” to Him even before He asks anything of us.  Surrendering to God, in a perpetual state of obedience, will free us from the fear we can be tempted with when overanalyzing the details of His glorious Will.

Dear Lord, I say “Yes” to You this day.  Whatever You ask of me, I will do.  Wherever You lead me, I will go.  Give me the grace of complete abandonment to You no matter what You ask.  I offer myself to You so that the glorious purpose of my life may be fulfilled.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Day Nine: Novena in preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday

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Featured image above: The Annunciation By John William Waterhouse, via Wikimedia Commons

Reflection 95: Trusting in the Mercy of God


If you dropped an object into the middle of the vast ocean you would know, with deep certainty, that this object would get wet.  The immensity of the ocean would consume it.  So it is with the Mercy of God.  It is immense and infinite.  Therefore, if you trust in His Mercy, you can have a deep certainty that you will obtain it (See Diary #420).

Do you trust that God will bestow His infinite Mercy upon you?  The goal is to be certain of this.  We do not arrive at this certainty because of our own goodness; rather, we arrive at it as a result of the unfathomable and infinite Mercy of the Most Holy Trinity.

Lord, I love You and I desire to trust in Your perfect Mercy to the point that there is no doubt in my mind and heart that You will bestow this precious gift. Help me to trust in Your Mercy because of Your infinite goodness.  Purify me of all doubt, dear Lord, and help me to trust You more.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Day Eight: Novena in preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday

Scripture Meditations for the Easter Season

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Featured image above: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Reflection 94: Facing the Evil One


If you wish to avoid the fierce hatred of the evil one, then refrain from striving for holiness.  Satan will still hate you, but he will not hate you as much as the saint.  But, of course, this is foolishness!  Why would anyone avoid holiness so as to avoid the hatred of the evil one?  It is true that the closer we come to God, the more the evil one will seek to destroy us.  Though it’s good to be aware of this, it’s nothing to fear.  In fact, attacks from the evil one should be seen as signs to us of our closeness to God (see Diary #412).

Reflect, today, upon any ways that you have felt overwhelmed by fear.  Very often, this fear is the fruit of you letting the trickery and malice of the evil one affect you.  Instead of letting fear affect you, allow the evil that confronts you to be the cause of your increase in faith and trust in God.  Evil will either tear us down or become an opportunity for us to grow in God’s grace and strength.

Lord, fear is useless, what is needed is faith.  Increase my faith, I pray, so that I will be daily under the control of Your gentle inspirations and not under the control of the fear caused by the attacks of the evil one.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Day Seven: Novena in preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday

Scripture Meditations for the Easter Season

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Featured image above:  Christ Tempted by the Devil By John Ritto Penniman, via Wikimedia Commons

Reflection 93: The Meeting of Love and Sin


Where do love and sin meet?  They meet in the persecution, ridicule and malice inflicted upon our Lord.  He was the Incarnation of perfect love.  The Mercy in His Heart was infinite.  His care and concern for all people was beyond imagination.  And yet the soldiers mocked Him, laughed at Him and tortured Him for entertainment and fun.  He, in turn, loved them with a perfect love.  This is a true meeting of love and sin (See Diary #408).

Have you encountered the sins of others?  Have you been treated with spite, harshness and malice?  If so, there is an important question to ponder.  What was your response?  Did you return insult for insult and injury for injury?  Or did you allow yourself to be like our Divine Lord and face sin with love?  Returning love for malice is one of the most profound ways we imitate the Savior of the World.

Lord, when I am persecuted and treated with sin, I find myself hurt and angry.  Free me from these tendencies so that I may imitate Your perfect love.  Help me to face all sin I encounter with the love overflowing from Your Divine Heart.  Help me to forgive and so be Your presence to those who are guilty of much sin.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Day Six: Novena in preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday

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Featured image above: Ecce Homo By Agostino Carracci, via Wikimedia Commons

Reflection 92: Creativity in Prayer


Oftentimes, our days are filled with activity.  Families are often occupied with one event or another.  Chores and work can pile up and we may find, at the end of the day, that we have had little time to pray to God in solitude.  But solitude and prayer can happen at times throughout our busy day.  Though it’s important to look for moments when we can be alone with God, giving Him our full attention, we should also look for opportunities to pray, interiorly, in the midst of our busy lives (See Diary #401).

Do you find that your life is full of activity?  Do you find that you are often too busy to get away and pray?  Though this is not the ideal, it can be remedied by looking for opportunities within your busyness.  At a school event, while driving, while cooking or cleaning, we always have the opportunity to raise our minds and hearts to God in prayer.  Remind yourself, this day, that you can pray during most moments of the day.  Praying continually, this way, may provide the solitude you so desperately need.

Lord, I long to be in Your presence throughout my day.  I long to see You and to love You always.  Help me to pray to You, in the midst of my activity, so that I may always be in Your company.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Day Five: Novena in preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday

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Featured image above: Joseph the Carpenter By Georges de La Tour, via Wikimedia Commons

Reflection 91: Prayer for Another Opens the Door


Only God knows what another truly needs.  We cannot read another’s soul unless this special grace were given to us by God.  But each of us is called to pray fervently for others.  At times, if we are open, God will place on our hearts the need to pray fervently for another.  If we feel called to enter into special prayers for another, we may also be surprised to find that God will suddenly open the door for a holy and heartfelt conversation that this person desperately needs (See Diary #396).

Has God placed a certain person on your heart?  Is there a particular person that often comes to mind?  If so, pray for that person and tell God you are ready and willing to be there for that person if it be His Will.  Then wait and pray some more.  If God so desires, you will find that, at the right time and the right place, your openness to this person could make an eternal difference.

Lord, give me a fervent heart of prayer.  Help me to be open to those whom You place in my path.  And as I pray for those in need, I make myself available to You to be used as You will.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Novena in preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday
Good Friday is the first day of the Divine Mercy Novena

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Featured image above: Matthias Stom: St. Peter in prayer, via Wikimedia Commons

Reflection 90: Unity With All


We are made for unity with one another.  When there is a lack of unity, the effects are felt in families, communities and among nations.  What is it that unites us more than anything?  First and foremost, we are united with other souls through our Baptism (See Diary #391).

Think about the most basic fact that you share an unbreakable bond with each and every person who is baptized into Christ Jesus.  Regardless of whether or not another is embracing their baptismal calling, the unity still remains.  Think about that unity and cling to it.  Allow yourself to see each and every baptized person as a true brother or sister in Christ.  This will change the way you think about them and act toward them.

Lord, I thank You for the wonderful family You have created through the Sacrament of Baptism.  I thank You that I am blessed to share in this family.  Help me to love all Your children as a result of the simple fact that they are my brothers and sisters in You.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Easter Meditation

Day Three: Novena in preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday

Scripture Meditations for the Easter Season

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Daily Gospel Reflections

Saints/Feasts for Today

Featured image above: Francesco Trevisani, John the Baptist baptizing Christ, via Wikimedia Commons